Reno Quiz: How to make the right choices according to your own style?

I have a project...

Select the room you want to renovate

I like this style...

Select the style that you like

I have a plan...

Select the element that you would like to removate

Here's our suggestions

Start over

Céragrès-Les-Bains – high-end bathware

Céragrès-Les-Bains is the result of the two legacies of Céragrès and Montréal-Les-Bains. Two notorious brands that combined their knowledge to create a boutique where we find tiles, countertops and high-end bathware inside one [unique] space.

Visit the Céragrès-Les-Bains boutique at Quartier Dix30 or Laval and discover endless possibilities and countless product combinations that fit in any type of spaces. Experience the service of both tile specialists and high-end bathware specialists that share their knowledge in the interest of your projects.
