Reno Quiz: How to make the right choices according to your own style?

I have a project...

Select the room you want to renovate

I like this style...

Select the style that you like

I have a plan...

Select the element that you would like to removate

Here's our suggestions

Start over

2020 Apple Season



Ceragres’ apple tradition continues…

The month of September symbolizes the Apple Season! A period during which we offer you apples in our Boutique-workspaces! This year again, and until October 4th, we honour the tradition with a pre-made bag of fresh apples and invite you to visit us in the Boutique-workspace of your choice to pick them up.

The covid-19 has changed the way we operate, but we remain at your service to advise and assist you in your projects.

See you soon, enjoy the apples!

Find the nearest boutique!