Reno Quiz: How to make the right choices according to your own style?

I have a project...

Select the room you want to renovate

I like this style...

Select the style that you like

I have a plan...

Select the element that you would like to removate

Here's our suggestions

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Designed with avant-garde concepts and a deep passion for re-thinking and re-interpreting the elements of nature, Basaltina epitomizes the blend between natural materials and contemporary intuition.



Other colours and sizes are also available on special order for commercial projects only. Consult our supplier's catalogue.


Click to download the 3D Texture
Click to download the 3D Texture
12" x 24" (30 x 60cm)
Code Color Price
CBASLIN1224R LINOSA 7.99 $ pi2 / sq. ft.
CBASPAN1224R PANTALLERIA 7.99 $ pi2 / sq. ft.
CBASSTR1224R STOMBOLI 7.99 $ pi2 / sq. ft.
CBASVUL1224R VULCANO 7.99 $ pi2 / sq. ft.
Packaging specifications
Size Piece/Box S.F./Box S.F./Piece S.F./Skid
12" x 24" RECT 6 11.64 1.94 558.72

Application Commerciale — Trafic élevé / Commercial Application — High Traffic

Deep scratch resistance
[ISO 10545-6]
≤ 130 mm3
Color variationV2
Slip resistance
[ASTM 1028 - sec/dry]1,03 (MAT)
[ASTM 1028 - humide/wet]0,62 (MAT)
[DIN 51130]R10 (A+B) (MAT)
Recycled content
[Pré-consom. / Pre-consumer]65 % Vulcano 39% Linosa 32% Lipari 24% Stromboli, Ischia 20% Pantelleria
Green Certification(s)Green Building Council Italia ISO 9001 / ISO 14001
Water absorption
[ISO 10545-3]
≤ 0,1 %
[ISO 10545-12]
50 N/mm2
Frost resistance
[ISO 10545-12]
Résistant / Resistant
Stain resistance
[ISO 10545-14]
Résistant / Resistant - Cat. 5
Chemical attack resistance
[ISO 10545-13]
Aucune variation / No variation

NOTES : Une pose droite et un joint de 2-3 mm sont conseillés. / We recommend straight setting and 2-3 mm joints.

For information concerning LEED certification and sustainability, please contact your Ceragres Sales Representative.

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