Reno Quiz: How to make the right choices according to your own style?

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Here's our suggestions

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The Metro collection is aptly named. Ever since these rectangular tiles were installed in New York and Paris subway stations in the 1900s, they have become indispensable. These tiles have a timeless look that never goes out of style. The iconic 3x6 format and white finish is more in style than ever, giving us yet another reason to get inspired and create two other formats. It’s also easy to play around with the layout style (brick, straight, chevron, etc.) to get the look you want for each of your projects.


This series is part of the urban collection which regroups trendy tiles at affordable prices! Consult our brochure.


Click to download the 3D Texture


4'' x 16''
4'' x 12''
3'' x 6''
4'' x 16'' (10 x 40cm)
Code Color Price
CCMTRWHI416G WHITE 3,29 $ pi2 / sq. ft.
4'' x 16'' (10 x 40cm)
Code Color Price
CCMTRWHI416M WHITE 3,29 $ pi2 / sq. ft.
4'' x 12'' (10 x 30cm)
Code Color Price
CCMTRWHI412G WHITE 2,99 $ pi2 / sq. ft.
4'' x 12'' (10 x 30cm)
Code Color Price
CCMTRWHI412M WHITE 3,59 $ pi2 / sq. ft.
3'' x 6'' (7,5 x 15cm)
Code Color Price
CCMTRWHI36G WHITE 2,99 $ pi2 / sq. ft.
3'' x 6'' (7,5 x 15cm)
Code Color Price
CCMTRWHI36M WHITE 3,59 $ pi2 / sq. ft.
Packaging specifications
Size Piece/Box S.F./Box S.F./Piece S.F./Skid
4'' x 16'' Brillant/Glossy 25 10.7650 0.4306 1033.4400
Size Piece/Box S.F./Box S.F./Piece S.F./Skid
4'' x 16'' Mat/Matt 25 10.7650 0.4306 1033.4400
Size Piece/Box S.F./Box S.F./Piece S.F./Skid
4'' x 12'' Brillant/Glossy 40 12.9160 0.3229 1084.9440
Size Piece/Box S.F./Box S.F./Piece S.F./Skid
4'' x 12'' Mat/Matt 40 12.9160 0.3229 1084.9440
Size Piece/Box S.F./Box S.F./Piece S.F./Skid
3'' x 6'' Brillant/Glossy 136 16.4696 0.1211 1185.8112
Size Piece/Box S.F./Box S.F./Piece S.F./Skid
3'' x 6'' Mat/Matt 136 16.4696 0.1211 1185.8112

Application murale / Wall Application

Color variationV1
Recycled content
[Pré-consom. / Pre-consumer]42 %
Water absorption
[ISO 10545-3]
≥ 10 %
[ISO 10545-12]
≥ 15 N/mm2
Frost resistance
[ISO 10545-12]
Stain resistance
[ISO 10545-14]
Chemical attack resistance
[ISO 10545-13]

NOTES : Installation murale seulement. BRILLANT : L’usage d’un ciment à joint sans sable est conseillé. / Wall installation only. GLOSSY: The use of a sand-free grout is recommended.

For information concerning LEED certification and sustainability, please contact your Ceragres Sales Representative.

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