Reno Quiz: How to make the right choices according to your own style?

I have a project...

Select the room you want to renovate

I like this style...

Select the style that you like

I have a plan...

Select the element that you would like to removate

Here's our suggestions

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Mood - Ceramic


This modern natural stone design inspired tile has light veining, that creates a balance and consistent style that is perfect for any room.




4" x 4"
4" x 4" (10 x 10cm)
Code Color Price
CMODBLK4G BLACK 16.99 $ pi2 / sq. ft.
CMODCRE4G CREAM 16.99 $ pi2 / sq. ft.
CMODGRE4G GREY 16.99 $ pi2 / sq. ft.
CMODTEA4G TEAL 16.99 $ pi2 / sq. ft.
CMODWHI4G WHITE 16.99 $ pi2 / sq. ft.
Packaging specifications
Size Piece/Box S.F./Box S.F./Piece S.F./Skid
4" x 4" BRILLANT / GLOSSY 0,5000 5,3800 0,1076 726,3000

Application murale / Wall Application

Color variationV2
Water absorption
[ISO 10545-3]
≤ 10%

NOTES : Installation murale seulement. L’usage d’un ciment à joint sans sable est conseillé. Une pose droite et un joint de 3 mm sont conseillés. / Wall installation only. The use of a sand-free grout is recommended. A straight setting and 3 mm joints are recommended.

For information concerning LEED certification and sustainability, please contact your Ceragres Sales Representative.

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